Mobile applications

As soon as we entered the market, we began to specialize in creating dedicated web solutions and customized implementations. Over the years, we have faced challenges of various scales: from the simplest of websites to highly complex configurators and web services. It should come as no surprise, then, that mobile applications were among all these solutions.

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Good design = good app!

Because in this case we face a parallel situation to that with dedicated services. The key to implementation is a wealth of knowledge, years of experience and, of course, properly executed analysis, which is the foundation of any good plan.

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That’s why we always give it our 200% and do our best to make sure that your idea goes through the entire process unscathed and can turn into the exact app you dreamed of at the very beginning. So what, why don’t we introduce you to the world of mobile apps now and tell you about them in a few words?

Mobile apps – what type do you really need?

Nowadays it’s hard to find people who don’t use mobile apps on a daily basis. Among other things, we use them when shopping, studying, working, for entertainment, communication or even in such mundane activities as paying parking tickets or determining the route to a specific destination.

However, these applications differ not only in their functionality, but also in their level of development and complexity. Sometimes we have to deal with those where high performance and simplicity are paramount, while at other times we encounter powerful tools with a high level of complexity.

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And if we look at applications in terms of their diversity, we should divide them into native, progressive (web-based) and hybrid. What exactly distinguishes them from each other and what are the characteristics of each application type? Let us explain.

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Native applications

Native applications are developed with a specific platform in mind, i.e. Android and iOS, using an appropriate language (Java and Swift / Objective C, respectively). Building a native application means that we can fully communicate with the device where it will be run. This type of application allows us to use our imagination freely, as we can customize further functions at will.

This, in turn, gives us a chance to achieve high performance and gives us a lot of room to maneuver in order to freely use the possibilities offered by the phone.

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Progressive apps

Progressive apps are basically an expanded form of a responsive web service version, that is, one that allows what is displayed on a phone to correspond to what is seen in the mobile website version in a web browser. Technically, then, these are web applications, but their functions can also be used offline. In practice, this means that

they spark the interest of mobile users and encourage them to take advantage of the possibilities they offer.

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Hybrid applications

Hybrid apps, as their name suggests, combine elements of native and progressive apps. With this variant, it is possible to use web application development technology while accessing native application features provided by the phone. From a technical point of view, hybrid apps are created in a single language, but a large resource of tools

allows them to be adapted to different platforms, so it is possible to use them on both Android and iOS.

Not sure what to choose?

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Dedicated mobile applications Szczecin

At Virtual People agency, we specialize in creating dedicated applications. Thanks to our knowledge and experience, we are not afraid of even the most demanding projects, so we approach each of them with the same excitement and commitment.

Among other things, in recent years we have created a number of web configurators – both for store applications and B2B solutions.

There is no denying the fact that tools of this type are characterized by extremely complex logic and the many dependencies that occur. That’s why it’s essential to prepare a technical specification before starting the actual work, which, as far as possible, explains and discusses all the key elements of the project. It takes the form of a descriptive document and is created as part of the so-called pre-implementation analysis. This one, in turn, is an integral part of the entire process of creating a dedicated mobile application.

Implementation: step by step

It’s no secret that everything starts with the idea and the decision to implement it.

Later, it is necessary to get down to an unbiased material and economic evaluation of the concept, as well as analyze the market and possible competition.

Once this part of the work is done, the key is to analyze the technical principles of the application and plan the direction and possibilities of its further development.

Then you can get down to the development of specific technical documentation, that is, the exact specification of the service. This stage is extremely important, because it precisely determines the way the application will be built.

Finally, what is left is the last step: pricing and planning specific implementation work to achieve the dream effect.

At Virtual People, we have a principle of aiming for exactly what is described at the end. We are committed to ensuring that the dedicated applications we develop completely meet expectations and are exactly what our customers want. That’s why we provide complete support from A to Z, and our qualified team makes sure that every stage of the work is carried out with due diligence.

Get to know our offer

Experience and skills
We firmly believe that our experience translates directly into the standard we offer our clients. Over the years of our activity to date, we have participated in the preparation of many projects in this field and have successfully faced challenges of varying difficulty. During this period we have created, among other things, complex configurators, dedicated loan applications or even entire toolkits for comprehensive customer management.

As we mentioned earlier, the key to creating an effectively working dedicated application is a properly executed pre-implementation analysis and the development of a functional specification. At Virtual People, we know how to do this and will be happy to help you achieve the desired result. We have not only invaluable experience, but also the right analytical skills that translate into success during the implementation process.

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Do you want to execute the plan and create an excellent dedicated application? Let’s do it together! Because although we are a local company, you will find much more than just local mobile apps in Szczecin in our offer. The Internet connects, so we definitely go beyond the city and provide assistance in all other places as well. Want to know more? Get in touch with us.

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